
Welcome to our website where we're excited to share the story of a book that is breaking barriers and touching hearts. There's a children's book that celebrates the dreams and aspirations of children with physical or developmental challenges. Meet "Charlie and the Cardboard Box," an enchanting tale written by Michael DeBellis Jr., a passionate advocate for these incredible kids.

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Meet Mike DeBellis, a self-published author who is making a difference in the lives of children with physical or developmental challenges, by creating stories that resonate with kids who live with these challenges.
In this captivating story “Charlie and the Cardboard Box”, Mike addresses the void in the children's book market by shining a spotlight on those who need to use a wheelchair for mobility. With his heartfelt words and beautiful illustrations, he invites readers into a world where anything is possible – regardless of physical limitations.
Charlie is a little boy with a vivid imagination who embarks on a fabulous journey. His Mom & Dad just bought a new refrigerator, and he has his eye on the big box that it came in. He promptly asks, “can I have that box? I want to build a spaceship or something.”
Oh boy! Now that Charlie has the box his creative juices start flowing…first he imagines he is a race car driver, then an astronaut, then a bobsled driver, then an underwater deep-sea diver and so on…
There are many more adventures to look forward to in the book.
This book illustrates how even a boy with limitations physically can put himself into many exciting situations and feel what able body people can do.
Mike, the author has been a longtime advocate for the physically and mentally challenged. He has been involved in numerous support groups, coached Challenger Baseball, assisted with Special Olympics events, and currently serves the developmentally challenged, community through a private agency.

Mike’s main inspiration for writing Charlie and the Cardboard Box has come from his eldest son, who is himself developmentally challenged as well as his work with the many youth and young adults who need to use a wheelchair for mobility.

Over the years, Mike has seen relatively few works that seem to adequately address the power of imagination and its role in helping to build and strengthen a disabled child’s sense of self-worth.
Mike feels that EVERY child has dreams and he hopes that Charlie and the Cardboard Box will be but the first of many books that can inspire and empower these kids with feelings of importance, acceptance, and creativity…bringing them to a place where they say: I am “Handi-Capable.”
So, join us as we dive into this inspiring journey filled with hope, resilience, and boundless imagination. Let's celebrate the power of inclusivity and explore how one cardboard box can unlock limitless adventures!
Guess what! He’s already working on a second book called “Charlie makes a Friend.” It’s about a family of color that moves in next door, and they have a little boy the same age as Charlie and how they become good friends.

Here's a Peek at the Book 

"Charlie and the Cardboard Box" reminds us all that limitations are merely obstacles to be overcome. It teaches children about empathy, acceptance, and celebrating differences in an engaging way they can relate to.
Imagine a world where every child's dreams and aspirations are celebrated, regardless of physical or developmental challenges. That is the world that Mike DeBellis has created through his remarkable children's book, "Charlie and the Cardboard Box."
In this magical story, Charlie shows us that nothing can hold back a determined spirit. Despite using a wheelchair for mobility, he embarks on extraordinary adventures with his trusty cardboard box as his vessel. Through vivid illustrations and heartfelt storytelling, Mike beautifully captures the essence of resilience and self-belief.


I read Charlie and the Cardboard Box to my First and Second Graders in connection to a unit on Character Development. The goal was for children to understand that having different abilities is not something to fear. Just changing the word disabled to "handicap-capable" helps focus on things that are similar instead of different in each other.  Charlie has a big imagination! Though his legs don't work he lets his imagination take him on exciting adventures with just a refrigerator box. He doesn't want others to feel sorry for him. The story helped the children realize no matter what limitations someone has, feeling that you are handi-capable and allowing your imagination run wild will help to develop a feeling of self-confidence and importance and a feeling of being one of the gang.  The children also learned the importance of nurturing that feeling in each other.  A wonderful book that helps children understand that having different abilities is a beautiful thing
Paula Terranova
1st & 2nd Grade School Teacher
Williamsville, NY
This is one of my kids favorite books. I started reading Charlie and the Cardboard Box to my son & daughter almost every night, beginning at 3 years old
Even my daughter who is 9 now loves to read it to our 4 year old son at bedtime. It opens up an opportunity to talk about how some kids are different but very much the same.
It’s a fantastic book…can’t wait for the next story
Kristin Garlow
Stay-at-Home Mom
Lancaster, NY
The world we live in is so diverse, and children especially need to see themselves represented in different aspects of life. Charlie and the Cardboard Box is a children's book that celebrates and enlightens how having different abilities does not mean a limited life! In this lovely tale, Charlie takes something all children seem to love, a simple cardboard box, and uses his imagination to turn it into a myriad of different things for his fantastic adventures. With delightful illustrations, this book will help to show how all children have hopes, dreams, and beautiful imaginations! 
Suzann Fleming Jastrzab
Nanny to twins
Williamsville, NY
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